
Expert Survey:
Techniques in Marketing

Explore our comprehensive study based on a survey of 200 marketing experts. Discover the personalisation techniques leading the revolution of marketing strategies and how.


Comparative Analysis of Personalization
Techniques: Market Survey

Personalization has emerged as a key differentiator in the competitive modern market, but different personalization techniques have varying degrees of effectiveness, and you must prioritise your investment in them as per their impact. Our comprehensive market survey, encompassing insights from seasoned marketing professionals across niches, analyzes the efficacy of various personalization techniques to help you make informed choices.  

In this study, we conducted a survey with 200 marketing professionals, including digital marketers, data analysts, and C-level executives from various industries who have 3 or more years of experience in implementing personalization strategies within their organizations. We also focused on studying and understanding the real-world impact and effectiveness of different personalization techniques that they applied.

This report will cover these strategies and the research results in detail to understand the impact of the top personalization strategies and help you make better decisions regarding marketing personalization

Overview of Survey Results and Impact Study

This report will cover these strategies and the research results in detail to understand the impact of the top personalization
strategies and help you make better decisions regarding marketing personalization

Coming to specific strategies, Here's how many of the surveyed professionals used each personalization strategy in their work-

  • 100%
  • Buyer personas
  • 33%
  • Segmentation
  • 88%
  • Email Courses
  • 65%
  • Recommendation engines
  • 55%
  • Dynamic content
  • 5%
  • Others

On studying the results they were achieving, we found that the true effectiveness achieved was not perfectly consistent with the respondents’ initial consideration. We found that

  • 45%
  • 30%
  • 20%
  • 50%
  • 15%

This showed that personalization is indeed very effective, in line with the belief of a majority of marketing professionals. However, dynamic content and recommendation engines must be given higher importance as personalization strategies.

Strategy Research

Here are the complete results we achieved on studying the use
and impact of each of the five strategies in further detail-


Segmentation, a cornerstone of personalized marketing, involves dividing an audience into distinct groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, location, and purchase history. This technique enables marketers to create more relevant and targeted content for each segment, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Dynamic Content

Segmentation, a cornerstone of personalized marketing, involves dividing an audience into distinct groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, location, and purchase history. This technique enables marketers to create more relevant and targeted content for each segment, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Recommendation Engines

Segmentation, a cornerstone of personalized marketing, involves dividing an audience into distinct groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, location, and purchase history. This technique enables marketers to create more relevant and targeted content for each segment, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Email Courses

Segmentation, a cornerstone of personalized marketing, involves dividing an audience into distinct groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, location, and purchase history. This technique enables marketers to create more relevant and targeted content for each segment, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Buyer Personas

Segmentation, a cornerstone of personalized marketing, involves dividing an audience into distinct groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, location, and purchase history. This technique enables marketers to create more relevant and targeted content for each segment, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Key Findings

Our survey indicated that segmentation leads to a 30% increase in customer engagement. This significant uplift demonstrates segmentation's effectiveness in resonating with different audience subsets.
Geographic segmentation, in particular, showed remarkable results. Campaigns targeted based on location data experienced a 40% higher open rate. This indicates a strong preference among consumers for content that is relevant to their local context.
Additionally, demographic-targeted campaigns improved click-through rates by 25%. This suggests that personalizing content based on age, gender, income, etc., significantly increases the likelihood of audience interaction.


Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Segmentation emerges as a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, driving up engagement rates and proving its worth in targeted marketing campaigns. Marketers who skillfully harness segmentation stand to gain a competitive edge in creating deeply resonant and effective marketing strategies.

Dynamic Content

Segmentation, a cornerstone of personalized marketing, involves dividing an audience into distinct groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, location, and purchase history. This technique enables marketers to create more relevant and targeted content for each segment, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Key Findings

Our survey indicated that segmentation leads to a 30% increase in customer engagement. This significant uplift demonstrates segmentation's effectiveness in resonating with different audience subsets.
Geographic segmentation, in particular, showed remarkable results. Campaigns targeted based on location data experienced a 40% higher open rate. This indicates a strong preference among consumers for content that is relevant to their local context.
Additionally, demographic-targeted campaigns improved click-through rates by 25%. This suggests that personalizing content based on age, gender, income, etc., significantly increases the likelihood of audience interaction.


Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Segmentation emerges as a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, driving up engagement rates and proving its worth in targeted marketing campaigns. Marketers who skillfully harness segmentation stand to gain a competitive edge in creating deeply resonant and effective marketing strategies.

Recomendation Engines

Segmentation, a cornerstone of personalized marketing, involves dividing an audience into distinct groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, location, and purchase history. This technique enables marketers to create more relevant and targeted content for each segment, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Key Findings

Our survey indicated that segmentation leads to a 30% increase in customer engagement. This significant uplift demonstrates segmentation's effectiveness in resonating with different audience subsets.
Geographic segmentation, in particular, showed remarkable results. Campaigns targeted based on location data experienced a 40% higher open rate. This indicates a strong preference among consumers for content that is relevant to their local context.
Additionally, demographic-targeted campaigns improved click-through rates by 25%. This suggests that personalizing content based on age, gender, income, etc., significantly increases the likelihood of audience interaction.


Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Segmentation emerges as a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, driving up engagement rates and proving its worth in targeted marketing campaigns. Marketers who skillfully harness segmentation stand to gain a competitive edge in creating deeply resonant and effective marketing strategies.

Email Courses

Segmentation, a cornerstone of personalized marketing, involves dividing an audience into distinct groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, location, and purchase history. This technique enables marketers to create more relevant and targeted content for each segment, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Key Findings

Our survey indicated that segmentation leads to a 30% increase in customer engagement. This significant uplift demonstrates segmentation's effectiveness in resonating with different audience subsets.
Geographic segmentation, in particular, showed remarkable results. Campaigns targeted based on location data experienced a 40% higher open rate. This indicates a strong preference among consumers for content that is relevant to their local context.
Additionally, demographic-targeted campaigns improved click-through rates by 25%. This suggests that personalizing content based on age, gender, income, etc., significantly increases the likelihood of audience interaction.


Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Segmentation emerges as a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, driving up engagement rates and proving its worth in targeted marketing campaigns. Marketers who skillfully harness segmentation stand to gain a competitive edge in creating deeply resonant and effective marketing strategies.

Buyer Personas

Segmentation, a cornerstone of personalized marketing, involves dividing an audience into distinct groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, location, and purchase history. This technique enables marketers to create more relevant and targeted content for each segment, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Key Findings

Our survey indicated that segmentation leads to a 30% increase in customer engagement. This significant uplift demonstrates segmentation's effectiveness in resonating with different audience subsets.
Geographic segmentation, in particular, showed remarkable results. Campaigns targeted based on location data experienced a 40% higher open rate. This indicates a strong preference among consumers for content that is relevant to their local context.
Additionally, demographic-targeted campaigns improved click-through rates by 25%. This suggests that personalizing content based on age, gender, income, etc., significantly increases the likelihood of audience interaction.


Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Marketers should prioritize data collection and analysis to effectively segment their audience.

Segmentation emerges as a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, driving up engagement rates and proving its worth in targeted marketing campaigns. Marketers who skillfully harness segmentation stand to gain a competitive edge in creating deeply resonant and effective marketing strategies.

Personalization Challenges

Implementing personalization techniques presents several challenges, including data privacy concerns, the complexity of integrating advanced technologies, and the need for continuous data analysis to ensure relevance. Balancing personalization with user privacy is a key hurdle, as consumers become more aware and cautious about their data. Additionally, smaller businesses may struggle with the resources required for effective personalization.


Future Personalization Trends

Looking ahead, we predict a surge in AI-driven personalization, where artificial intelligence will play a pivotal role in automating and enhancing personalization efforts. Personalization will likely become more predictive, using AI to anticipate customer needs even before they express them. 

There will also be a focus on ethical personalization, emphasizing transparency and user control over data. The integration of virtual and augmented reality into personalization strategies could offer immersive and highly engaging user experiences.


Our survey of 200 marketing professionals reveals the substantial impact of personalization techniques in today's marketing landscape. Segmentation, dynamic content, recommendation engines, email courses, and buyer personas each play a unique role in enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction. Dynamic content, segmentation, and recommendation engines were found to be the most effective strategies overall; with dynamic content and recommendation engines deserving more attention and utilisation.

While challenges like data privacy and technological complexity exist, the future of personalized marketing looks promising, with AI-driven strategies and ethical personalization emerging as key trends. This study underscores the importance of adopting and refining these techniques to stay competitive and meet evolving consumer expectations.